Getting Started

Creating the cache

With Nix and Cachix installed you can cache any Nix build result.

After logging into Cachix you’ll be able to create a new binary cache.

It’s recommended to setup new binary caches per trust model, depending on who are the users that will have write access and the same for read access.

Most teams will have one private and one public cache.

Public caches have read access open to everyone.

If you’d like to keep your binaries protected from public access, make sure to create a private cache.


There are two kinds of auth tokens:

  1. Personal

    These allow full access to your account and can be generated here.

  2. Per-cache

    These allow write and/or read access to only a specific binary cache. On dashboard you can click on your newly generated binary cache Settings and generate a new access token.

    You can set the auth token with either:

    1. $ cachix authtoken XXX

    2. $ export CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN=XXX

Signing key (advanced)


If you didn’t opt in to using a self-generated signing key when creating the cache, you can skip this step.

Store paths in Nix are signed with public-key encryption to prevent tampering. By default, Cachix will manage the entire signing process for you. This is what we recommend for most users.

Advanced users can opt in to use their own signing key when creating a new cache. The signing key can be securely generated and stored on your machine. The Cachix CLI will then sign the store paths locally, adding a extra layer of protection against Man-In-The-Middle and cache poisoning attacks.

Read our blog post on the pros and cons of using a self-generated signing key.

To generate a new signing key:

$ cachix authtoken <my auth token>
$ cachix generate-keypair <mycache>

The signing key is generated locally on your computer and is printed out to stdout. This is the only copy, so make sure to create a backup.

Cachix will automatically pick up the recently written signing key (or if you export it via environment variable $CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY).

Pushing binaries with Cachix

Assuming you have a project with default.nix you can build it and push:

$ nix-build | cachix push mycache

It’s recommended to set up Continuous Integration to push for every branch of every project.

See all differents ways of pushing.

Using binaries with Nix


For read access to private caches you’ll also need to run cachix authtoken XXX or export $CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN before invoking cachix use in order to configure access token, to be used for authenticating using netrc file.

With Nix and Cachix installed invoke:

$ cachix use mycache

to configure Nix to use your binary cache.

There are different ways to configure Nix so Cachix will pick the most appropriate one for your setup.