.. _running-an-agent: Running an agent ================ Prerequisites ------------- You need to :ref:`install at least version 0.8.0 of cachix command line client `. Create a binary cache --------------------- The agent requires a binary cache to download the closure it wants to activate. You can `create a binary cache `_ with Cachix and the your agents will automatically use it. Alternatively, you can roll your own binary cache, but some of the features won't be available. Create a workspace ------------------ .. note :: As part of the public beta, you can create only one workspace. Workspace is a set of agents you can deploy to. Start by `creating a workspace `_. .. _generate-agent-token: Generate agent token -------------------- Once you have a workspace, you can generate an agent token. 1. Click **"Add an Agent"** `at your workspace `_ 2. Write the description of the token, for an example "my homelab agents token" 3. Click **"Generate"** 4. Copy the token and save it Starting an agent ----------------- Choose your target Nix profile: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :glob: manually.rst nixos.rst darwin.rst home-manager.rst