Reference ========= .. _deploy-json: deploy.json ----------- :: { "agents": { "": "", ... }, "rollbackScript": { "": "", } } ``agents`` key contains an object of many ``agent-name`` keys and :term:`store path` values to deploy. ``agent-name`` is usually a hostname, but it can be any name, as long as it's unique. If no ``agent-name`` is registered with Cachix, HTTP error 400 will be raised. ``top-level-store-path`` can be any store path. The agent will detect NixOS, nix-darwin and Home Manager store paths and activate them. ``rollbackScript`` is an optional collection of per-system store path scripts that are run after each deployment. Use it to perform tests, validate the deployment, and, if necessary, trigger a rollback. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 ``system`` is a Nix system string, e.g. ``x86_64-linux`` or ``x86_64-darwin``. ``store-path-to-a-rollback-script`` is a :term:`store path` to a script that is run after each deployment. If it returns with a non-zero exit code, the deployment is rolled back.